Warning: include(config/userInterface/uiOverrides.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\backup\lndr_j_common\config\userInterface\winCapPopup.php on line 3

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'config/userInterface/uiOverrides.php' for inclusion (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\backup\lndr_j_common\config\userInterface\winCapPopup.php on line 3
{ "type": "Container", "id": "winCapPopup", "scale": 0, "visible": false, "animation": [{ "name": "displayWinCapDialog", "children": ["call:show", { "variant": "Tween", "duration": "0.4", "setscale": 1 }] },{ "name": "closeWinCapDialog", "children": [{ "variant": "Tween", "duration": "0.2", "setscale": 0 }, "call:show"] }], "children": [{ "type": "Graphics", "variant": "Rectangle", "alpha": 0, "width": 2500, "height": 1080, "opaque": true, "animation": [] },{ "type": "Graphics", "variant": "Rectangle", "width": 800, "height": 500, "lineWidth": 2, "lineColor": "0xf8941c", "color": "0X000000", "opaque": true, "animation": [] },{ "type": "Text", "text": "WIN CAP", "font": "Frabk", "y": -185, "size": 40, "fill": "#f8941c" },{ "type": "Text", "font": "Frabk", "text": "THE WIN CAP IN THIS GAME IS 10,000X TOTAL BET AND CANNOT BE EXCEEDED", "wordWrap": true, "wordWrapWidth": 700, "y": -30, "size": 40, "fill": "#FFFFFF" },{ "type": "Button", "textures": ["Yes.png", "Yes_Hover.png", "Yes_Pressed.png", "Yes_Pressed.png"], "atlas": "win_cap_button.json", "x": 0, "y": 130, "tint": "f8941c", "scale": 0.4, "onPress": "closeWinCapMessage", "onPressSound": "FXButtonClick1", "animation": [] }] }